Everblades forward Evan Bloodoff took the time this week to answer questions from fans on Facbook and Twitter. Here are some of the questions he was asked and his responses:
- Is the culture of the Blades different from Gwinnett? If so, how & does it change the way you play?
EB: The culture here in Florida is based around teamwork and I will do whatever it takes to help my team win.
- What does it mean to be an Everblade?
EB: It is a privilege to be an Everblade and I feel honored to be a part of a winning organization.
- What is it about skating or hockey that you love the most?
EB: The thing I love most about hockey are the characteristics that carry over into a players life. It is all about overcoming adversity.
- Have you or would you ever try a different type of skating, like figure or speed skating?
EB: I am always open to trying new things and would be interested in speed skating
- Do you support any causes such as autism awareness?
EB: Yes, I support autism and our team is invested in local cancer initiatives.
- What do you think it's going to take to bring back the Kelly cup to its rightful place that is the Florida Everblades?
EB: It will take a lot of hard work and determination to bring the Kelly Cup back to Florida. I am more than confident we can achieve that this year with the close group of guys we have.
- What kind of rituals do you do before you go into a game?
EB: I don't have any specific rituals I just believe you have to be well prepared physically and mentally going into a game.
- What do you like to do in your off hours?
EB: In my off hours I enjoy fishing or golfing and spending time with my teammates.
- What part of your hockey game do you think needs improvement the most and how do you plan to improve it?
EB: The part of my game I need improvement would be the skill side of things to get me to the next level. It's consistently doing the right things in practice.
10- How would you describe your hockey career up until this point?
EB: I have been happy with my career up until this point. I have learned so much and strive everyday to improve and reach the next level.